1959 - Moscow Technology Institute of light industry, Master
- 1984 - Institute of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
Thesis: The structure and properties of inclusion, body protein of baculoviruses.
- 1968 - Institute of Microbiology & Virology, Ph.D. in Virology.
Thesis: The protein structure components and investigation of inclusion body
protein of insect nuclear polyhedrosis virus.
- 1959 - Moscow Technology Institute of light industry, Master of chemist - technologist.
Area of interests: Baculoviruses, polyhedron, small RNA, mi-RNA, structure and function.
Number of publications: 130.
Selected Publications:
- E.A. Kozlov, T.L. Levitina, N.M. Gusak. The primary structure of baculovirus inclusion
body proteins. Evolution and structure - function aspects/ Current Topics Microbiology and
Immunol., 131: 135-164, 1986
- E.A. Kozlov, N.V. Rodnin, T.L. Le
- 1984 - Institute of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
Thesis: The structure and properties of inclusion, body protein of baculoviruses.
- 1968 - Institute of Microbiology & Virology, Ph.D. in Virology.
Thesis: The protein structure components and investigation of inclusion body
protein of insect nuclear polyhedrosis virus.
- 1959 - Moscow Technology Institute of light industry, Masterder. The complete amino-acid
sequence of Selenephera lunigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus polyhedron/ Biopolimeri I kletka,
18, No4: 279-282, 2002
- M.T. Bobrovskaja, V.A. Kovalev, T.V. Shirina, A.V. Rudenko, E.A. Kozlov. Dinamics of
cleavage of the Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus polyhedrin by polyhedral protease and
identification of cleaved bonds/ Biopolimeri I kletka, 20, No3 : 207-213, 2004